Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Board Briefs for Monday, July 11, 2016 Regular Board Meeting

Below is a synopsis of the Monday, July 11, 2016 regular board meeting of the Muscatine Schools' Board of Education. The meeting was held at 7 p.m. at City Hall in Council Chambers.

  1. No one spoke during Citizen's Speak.
  2. The consent agenda (Employment Recommendations were removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence) was approved which included:
    1. Minutes of the June 13, 2016 Regular Meeting.
    2. Bills and Claims Against the District dated July 11, 2016.
  3. Amended the agenda to include the letter of resignation from Kelsey Merical.
  4. Approved the acceptance of the resignation of Kelsey Merical with a two-week waiting period to allow the district to secure a suitable replacement.
  5. Employment Recommendations were approved as follows:
    1. Resignations-Certified Staff:
      1. Jonna Hall - MHS Social Studies
      2. Alisa Phillips - Grant/Franklin Art
      3. Karin Ryan - MHS Special Ed
      4. Resignations-Schedule C:
      1. Steve Chidester - MS Football
      2. Joel Kraushaar - MS Football
      3. Teresa Randleman - MS Yearbook
      4. Cara Shepherd - MS Post School Supervision
    2. New Hires-Certified:
      1. Michaela Geertsema - 3rd Grade, Franklin
      2. Kayla Huber - Special Ed, Franklin
      3. Blayke Lawrence - Kindergarten, Madison
      4. Callie Pangburn - Kindergarten, McKinley
      5. Rachel Plummer - Orchestra, Elementary/Middle School. .5 FTE
      6. Robin Spencer - Business Ed, MHS
      7. David Svensen - Reading Support, Franklin
      8. Derek Weber - 5th Grade, Madison
      9. Joseph Whittemore - Social Studies, MHS
      10. Allison Wolfgram - Special Ed, Mulberry
      11. Dana Wright - 1st Grade, Franklin
    3. New Hires-Schedule C:
      1. Gary Belger - MHS Head Boys Basketball
      2. Scott Morel - MHS Asst Girls Basketball
      3. Scott Schultz - MHS Head Boys Golf
      4. Chase Oldfield - MS Wrestling
      5. Eric Josupait - MHS Asst Baseball
    4. New Hires-Classified Professionals:
      1. Nicole McAlister - Payroll Accountant
      2. Scott Day - District Accountant
    5. New Hires - Administration:
      1. Mark Groteluschen - MHS Assistant Principal
  6. Approved the Collective Impact Agreement with Aligned Impact Muscatine.
  7. Approved the Agreement with Flickinger Learning Center for the After School Program for Grades K-3.
  8. Approved the request to seek bids for Food Service for the following:
    1. Laundry (towels, mopheads, potholders).
    2. Truck/Cube Van.
    3. 3 small combination ovens and 1 large combination oven.
  9. Approved the extension of eligible Food Service contracts as follows:
    1. Reinhardt Food Service for department primary food and non-food supplies.
    2. Domino's Pizza for MHS for one additional year and adding the two middle schools at some point in time.
    3. Anderson Erickson for milk for one year.
    4. Bimbo Baker for 1st Semester.
  10. Approved the request to re-carpet the Administration Center auditorium not to exceed $15,000.
  11. The board held a second reading on the following policies:
    1. 306.1 Development and Enforcement of Admin Regulations – NEW
    2. 306.2 Monitoring of Admin Regulations – NEW
    3. 401.5 Appointment 
    4. 401.6 Evaluation – Employees
    5. 401.7 Suspension
    6. 401.9 Payroll Periods
    7. 401.10 Payroll Deductions
    8. 401.11 Leaves of Absence – DELETE 
    9. 402.3 Anti-bullying and Harassment – DELETE 
    10. 403.3 Tobacco Free Environment 
    11. 403.4 Communicable Diseases – Employees
    12. 403.7 Other Employment
    13. 403.9 Releases to News Media – Internal Unit News – DELETE
    14. 403.10 Public Service – DELETE
    15. 403.11 Solicitations in School Buildings – DELETE
    16. 403.12 Reimbursement for Loss of Personal Property Resulting from Physical Restraint – DELETE
    17. 403.14 Use of School Owned Equipment and Materials – DELETE 
    18. 404.1 Definition – Certificated Employees
    19. 404.2 Conditions of Instruction – DELETE 
    20. 404.3 Academic Tutoring
    21. 404.4 Discipline of Students – DELETE
    22. 404.6 Substitutes for Teachers
    23. 404.7 Planning Time – DELETE
    24. 404.8 Shared Time Staff – DELETE
    25. 404.9 Staff Development Procedures 
    26. 404.11 Probationary Status- NEW 
    27. 404.12 Resignation- NEW 
    28. 404.13 Reduction in Force- NEW 
    29. 404.14 Publication or Creation of Materials- NEW 
    30. 405.1 Responsibilities & Duties, Non-Certificated 
    31. 405.3 Evaluation – Non-Certificated Employees 
    32. 405.4 Salary Schedule – DELETE
    33. 405.5 Restraint of Students (replaces Discipline of Student by Non-Certified Staff)
    34. 405.6 Custodial/Maintenance/Security – DELETE
    35. 405.7 Food Service Workers/Bakers/Cooks – DELETE
    36. 405.8 Bus Drivers/Mechanics – DELETE
    37. 405.10 Secretarial/Clerical/Aide/Para – DELETE
    38. 405.11 Licensing/Certification- NEW 
    39. 405.12 Wage and Overtime Compensation- NEW 
    40. 406.2 Nepotism- NEW 
    41. 406.3 Employee Complaints- NEW 
    42. 407.1 Release of Credit Information- NEW 
    43. 407.2 Gifts to Employees – NEW 
    44. 403.5 Facilities – Regulatory Issues – DELETE 
  12. Superintendent Riibe updated the board on future contract negotiations.
  13. The June financial statements were reviewed.
  14. Superintendent Riibe updated the board on the following:
    1. District Needs Assessment.
    2. Washington Elementary.
  15. Announcements of Important Dates/Future Meetings:
    1. July 11, 2016 - Online Registration Opens at 5 p.m.
    2. August 1, 2016 - District-wide registration will be held at MHS from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. 
    3. August 8, 2016 - Regular Board  Meeting at 7 p.m. at City Hall.
  16. The meeting adjourned at: 8:37 p.m.
To see the board book for this meeting, go to: Board Book

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